Identification and contact information of the website owner
Explotaciones Hoteleras San Francisco S.L.
Hotel Monasterio de San Francisco
Registered Office
Avenida Pío XII, 35 14700 Palma del Río (Córdoba)
Registration data
Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil el 22 de diciembre de 2010, al folio 71 del Tomo 2.213 de la Sección General, Hoja CO-30.657, Inscripción 1ª
Web Site
1. Processing of personal data
In accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of 13 December on Protection of Personal Data, you agree that personal data provided at the time of booking are included in a file owned by Explotaciones Hoteleresas San Francisco S.L. onwards the company, established in Avenida Pío XII, 35 14700 Palma del Río (Córdoba), for managing the reserve system, the processing of your application, control and management of the relationship with Web users who process reservations and for statistical studies users registered in said web to design improvements in the services provided. All form fields marked as mandatory must necessarily be filled for the correct processing of their applications. The personal information you provide will only be disclosed to third parties in compliance with legal obligations or with your prior consent. The user expressly agrees that the bank details provided are used to address the possible penalties to cancellations or no-show set in the conditions of the fare. The processing of their reserves imply the aforementioned treatment, so you can not carry out the process in case of opposition to mismo.Usted may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition as more indicated below.
2. Accuracy of data
The user, in any case, the veracity of the data provided, the company the right to deny service to any user who has provided false information, without prejudice to other actions that may be Derecho.Asimismo, the user must be duly authorized to provide data to third parties. Only with the consent of future hotel guests, the user can enter their names in the distribution section rooms. Such information, which allows the hotel of your choice to procure a better service to its guests, is optional, so that its appropriation by the user implies, in its sole liability, assumption of the duty to inform those of the content of our Policy privacy prior to the provision of personal information.
3. Data processing in navigation
In accordance with the obligation under Art. 22.2 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July, services of information society and electronic commerce, you are informed that the company uses cookies. A cookie is a piece of text information that websites transfer to the hard drive of the computers that connect to them. We use session cookies to identify you and maintain your identification. Session cookies are automatically deleted from your hard drive when the session ends. We also use cookies to collect anonymous, aggregated statistics that allow us to analyze how users use our website to improve it. Only gets and keeps the following information about visitors to our website: a) The domain name provider (ISP) and / or IP address that gives them access to the network. For example, a provider user xxx only be identified by the domain xxx.es and / or IP address. This allows us to compile statistics on the countries and servers that most visit our website. b) The date and time you access our site. This allows us to check times more traffic and make the necessary adjustments to avoid saturation at peak times. c) The Internet address from which the link that leads to our website. With this data, we know the effectiveness of different banners and links pointing to our server, to promote those that offer better results. d) The number of daily visitors to each section. This lets us know the most successful areas and increase and improve their content so that users get a more satisfactory result. They allow us to obtain the following information: a) The date and time of the last time you visited our website. b) The design of contents that the user chose during your visit to our website. c) Security elements involved in controlling access to restricted areas. While the information obtained is, in principle, totally anonymous, pursuant to Report 327/2003 of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection are informed users that the data above will be added to a database of personal data company for the purposes detailed above, the user can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition as indicated below. Also employ remarketing tool Google Adwords. This tool allows you to post on the Google content network (more details on the Google Content Network here: Adwords ads based on user previous visits to our website. To do this, some of the pages of our website include a code called " remarketing tag. "These tags allow you to read and set cookies on your browser in order to determine the specific type of ad that is displayed to the user, depending on items related to your visit to our website, for example, Navigation circuit chosen, the specific pages visited or actions on the same have been made. remarketing lists thus created are stored in a database server of Google, which stores all cookie ID associated with each list or category of interest. The information obtained can identify only a particular browser, Google can not only identify the particular user with this information (More information about remarketing tool at the following link: Adwords For the company, this information may only be associated with a specific user if that user is identified on the web, for example for completing this booking process. In this case the data thus obtained will be reported to the company for marketing purposes and segmentation of web users to design marketing campaigns according to the interest shown during browsing, incorporating the data into a file of that entity for the purposes outlined. To object to the processing and communication mentioned above, the user has the option of disabling cookies, as outlined below: The user has the option not to receive cookies or be informed of its location by setting your browser accordingly. However, if you disable cookies, you may not be able to use all the features of the web.Respecto remarketing to cookies, the user can disable cookies from Google, visit the advertising page disqualification of Google.También DoubleClick can disable cookies by visiting the DoubleClick opt page (in English). to disable the use of third party cookies, users can also visit the disqualification of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI, Network Advertising Initiative) (English page)). At any time you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition as indicated below.
4. File for advertising purposes
If the user wants to receive information about promotions of the company may authorize the transfer of data to that effect simply accepting this Privacy Policy. If, by contrast, does not desire to receive information about actions shall expressly exclude the box. Only when there is consent, personal data necessary for communication will be transferred to Paraty Hotels Ltd. and will serve to keep you informed either by email, or by any other means, news, products and services related to the company the company and Paraty SL From this moment you are informed that, if it is said that their will, their personal data included in a file with personal data of the entity that is responsible for the company and the user can access, cancel, correct your information or oppose their treatment by writing to the company as indicated below.
5. Rights
The rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised by letter accompanied by a copy of your ID to the Head of the file that corresponds to the address indicated below: - Paraty Hotels Ltd. C / Jaen 9, Oficina 11 Edificio Galia 212, CP 29 004 (Malaga) - Explotaciones Hoteleras San Francisco S.L. Avenida Pío XII, 35 14700 Palma del Río (Córdoba)
6. Liability of the hotel
Under no circumstances does accessing the website imply the existence of a commercial relationship between the User and Hotel El Monasterio de San Francisco. The portal only supplies information regarding vacant hotel spaces when said information is requested, meaning if the User makes a booking online, he/she is directly contracting this service from the hotel, not the portal. The printed version of the booking made serves as a reference when the User arrives at the hotel. By booking nights at the hotel on this website, the User agrees to adhere to and accepts each and every one of the General Terms and Conditions expressed herein. By accepting these clauses, the User declares and accepts the following: 1) He/she is of legal age and possesses sufficient capacity to make the booking, declaring that he/she understands all of the terms and conditions found on the website. 2) The data supplied when making the booking online is truthful, complete and concise. 3) Only those pages that appear within the site map comprise the website. 4) Access to this website is the User’s responsibility. 5) Once the booking is made, the electronic document on which it has been formalised will be filed and the User may access this at any time. 6) He/she confirms the booking made, in other words, the dates indicated, the number of rooms, the number of people and the hotel chosen. 7) The terms and conditions and price of the booking made are those determined expressly in the rate terms and conditions that are included specifically on the page where the User makes the booking. 8) With regard to the relationship with the portal, the portal offers the User the chance to book rooms at the selected hotel via its website but it does not offer any type of hotel provision under its responsibility. 9) The User’s card details are gathered in order to guarantee the booking. Payment for the booking is to be made at the selected hotel and only in the event of cancellations or no-shows will the booking be cancelled and the User charged a fee in accordance with the selected rate’s terms and conditions. 10) Offers will only be valid for the time they remain accessible to recipients of the service.
7. Prices
The prices that are indicated are retail prices with VAT included. The price includes: Price per night depending on the room type and board plan selected, with the exception of hotels for which the inclusion of other services is specifically indicated. The price does not include: Any unspecified service or extras such as transfers, tips, telephone calls, laundry services, mini-bar, parking, etc. In general, and unless expressly agreed otherwise with the establishment, check-in is available from 2pm on the day of arrival and check-out is to be completed by 12 noon on the day of departure.
8. Passports and visas
All travellers without exception (including children) must be in possession of valid personal documentation and the corresponding family documentation, whether this is a passport or ID document, in accordance with current legislation. This will be the responsibility of travellers, as will the obtainment of visas, passports, vaccination certificates, etc. where necessary. Minors under 18 years old must carry a written permission document signed by their parents or guardians as this may be requested by any authority. If the granting of a visa is rejected by an authority due to individual reasons related to the User, or if entry to the country is denied due to failure to meet requirements, due to an error with required documentation, or due to failing to be in possession of said documentation, the hotel will not be liable for actions of this type, with the consumer being responsible for any costs that may arise. In these circumstances, the terms and conditions established for a no-show scenario will be applied.